Little Reminders

Ellen Mae valentineDear slave lips,

I am so touched by your words.  (And as usual, I really enjoy how you touch me!)

Of course I’ve been tremendously proud of your mindful honoring of our special bond in the midst of all the Nola adventures.  As collars go, the way that the away collar works into our day-to-day life is a steady reminder of our connection, and I’m finding that I really treasure those little reminders.  Not only that — but it also looks so damn hot resting on your beautiful bosom in the lovely photos you send to me.  ;-)

There are obvious reminders in my days, like the valentine your, um, “friend” Ellen Mae sent my way.  (Somehow she really reminds me of you.  Maybe it’s the identical handwriting.)

There are little reminders that I never would have suspected, too.  Who would have guessed that something would come of it that fine day when I had you dutifully hold a little blue paperclip against the wall with your nose while I distracted you, murmuring in your ear and smiling at your reactions.  Later, I found that paperclip waiting for me, and I playfully clipped it on me and took it with me through the day, smiling and savoring the memories that go with it.  I found it with me the next day, and the day after that.  I didn’t plan it, but it has grown to become an item that makes me feel connected to you — as a souvenir of past adventures, as well as in the moment.

Of course your brilliant and scrumptious spirit does so much more than imbue office supplies with special associations.  That’s just a small example among the many special connections we’ve cultivated: some planned, some surprising.  It’s amazing to me that such a simple little item has reminded me of your remarkable spirit so vividly, and reminded me of our special connection.

Fondly and with fondles,


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