When C and I stumbled upon DirtyDonut’s photography we were titillated and delighted — we were drawn to the playfulness… and stickiness! So of course we had to reach out…
Hello Mr. Egg, thanks for taking the time to answer a few questions for us! We’ve become very close friends over the years, although — sadly — we don’t always…
Here is a fantasy poem I wrote about a desire that is emerging just now in this very moment. The Octopus I am underwater, deliciously surrendering to the downward floating…
Well-spoken and candid Ginger Millay shares thoughts on the intersection of queer, female, and feminist in the context of sex work. Enjoy this very engaging read from a queer, female, feminist…
Wahoo! Now you can watch the entirety of Beth Pelletier’s film (which appeared at CineKink 2014). Just 14 minutes, with lots of insightful conversation! This serves as a very candid…